A Bit Of Strategy In Alpha Empire

For the successful conduct of the war against greatly superior forces upsf our alliance sc have to use strategy ancestors – the Scythians, and Russians (both World War II) – Stretching the enemy’s communications, a violation logistics and coordination. In practice, this is as follows: construct a chain of martial planets, the main purpose of which, the production of fighters and frigates. That they take the blow of the first wave invasion. At this time, a strong expeditionary force engaged in the exploration and cleansing rears, preparing the second line of defense. In the course of stripping an acquaintance with the newcomers. We conduct the selection of potential candidates for the alliance, but we are relatively weak and can not make commitments to ensure full security of recruits, we are forced to deny the request for admission into the alliance (please nobody get offended).

The second important task expeditionary force – the identification and destruction of individual colonies and enemy groupings, as well as patrol and reconnaissance ships. Further, with increasing pressure on the first line of the planets, we plot the maximum damage to the enemy (at its minimal losses – an example of the trap ‘) and produce the withdrawal of the fleet on the second line of defense. On average, the assault of a system of 3-4 planets is the enemy of about 7-10 days and each time the distance delivery reinforcements opponents increases on one system, and our fleet is constantly evolving and growing and gets reinforcements directly from neighboring systems. To prepare the world to combat the use of sufficiently days, three days, she turns into a small fortress and an aircraft carrier in one person. Respectively, for 7-10 days with no problems being prepared in depth defense system. Periodically in the rear and the new territories we encounter little resistance to newcomers. It’s a shame that as a rule, all these flashes of aggression occurs without warning and without apparent reason. That is, we can conclude on the influence of agents upsf on immature minds newly minted star fighters))) I must say that such military tactics smoothly flows into the political, so it leaves behind enemy lines, many of our potential supporters (fifth column) is always ready in an hour ‘X’ present a united front against the aggressors. Now some statistics: Military rating upsf – 2370062, our only – 183,081 (a difference of more than 10 times). In fairness say that the struggle is not with the entire alliance at a time, but the 8.5 strong players

We oppose all the time, which is also not force the call))) Best player upsf volk 16 seats to the military ranking – 200874, our best fighter Red Devil Ars – at 233 (chustvuetet difference) with a rating of 56,646. Nevertheless, we grow, develop and successfully confront the aggressor. At this stage of the conflict are negotiating a truce due to the sudden desire of all meaningful alliances to peacemaking, which will undoubtedly positive moment in the game, and the wise head of alliances certainly deserve thanks. But not so simple in global politics ae long-brewing crisis threatens to turn into a major war. But here’s how it is resolved remains to be seen and the next article on politics in the game. Sorry, the article is somewhat dry, but Becky had promised to revise it and put it on lj artistic version of past events. It will be interesting) other materials at our site.