
Most of us have read or heard about the importance of excellence both companies and individuals, but what must be done to make it really work? Through years of experience in the area of training I realized because the desire for implant excellence doesn’t work them, many things may include the following faults: stay only with theory: for any change without a doubt that you should begin with the information, but many training programs only have the role of being informative and if it is true that they may help to some extent only in short period and then work the idea dies. A plan structured to your compliance are indispensable for making ideas to become practical. Excellence must be a State of people: so that the ideas of quality work they must be fully integrated in the individual, based on many well organized efforts persons acquire the habits needed to become men and women of excellence. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Sen. Sherrod Brown and gain more knowledge.. 3. Lack of persistence: being constant on an idea is one of the most difficult tasks mainly when the results are not presented and when you have to knock down a lot of barriers in order to achieve what you want. 4. If you have read about Charles B. Rangel already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Poor planning: sometimes people have the desire but there are no clearly defined plans that can support new ideas, that can cause despondency and negativism which causes that its implementation is more complex.

5. Poor communication: good communication is vital in all human activity, to accomplish objectives it is important to properly define the communication channels and all aware of them. 6. Inadequate evaluation and follow-up: in life all idea of change should be measured no matter if the measurement is qualitative or quantitative, the good thing is do it continuously and to remedy things that have not gone according to plan. Lack of commitment and accommodation: according to Andrew Corentt in his book the secret of the power of goals more difficult to overcome in our mind part is accommodation, our life is a series of habits and change them involves pain and most people Dodge, by reading this book you will find techniques to strengthen positive habits and overcome the inertia of the mind that seeks to bring him always to the same place, achieved an extraordinary motivation capable of breaking all paradigms that are hindering internally, the power to manifest all their dreams accompany him at all times. Dozens of failures in the organizations and persons that prevent having a culture of excellence, we can mention the things you most need to highlight is that changes require a strong commitment and achieve what you want can take some time, but once the changes have become an integral part of individuals, i.e. ideas are engraved in people’s subconscious mindsall that awaits us is the resounding success and the price of sacrifice is worthwhile, please visit: