
Calm and decidedly raised, caught the telephonic catalogue, selected a number, it took off the phone of the hook and dialed with calm and firm determination printed in the face. It waited some time without demonstrating to haste some until being taken care of. It heard the sleepy voice of the other side of the line and started the speech: _ I am Alberto, you I must know very well. This the moment to make right the accounts. From now, you will be made responsible. I do not only go there, to give arrest voice to it because I do not have the lesser test that it can incriminate to it, but is the best thing that happen can me, because the game capsized. For more information see Charles B. Rangel.

Now, I leave of being the hunting and start to be the hunter, while you who if judged the invincible hunter, starts to be the hunting. From now, you can make what to want, that I am in its heels. He can act to the will, that I do not go to make nothing pra to catch to it. By the way, I am only telephoning, because I do not want more nor a drop of spilled blood, nor of the side of there, nor of the side of here. If you want to know, you you made two great besteiras and I was, while you slid pro deep of fossa, and you all smeared of excrement there. Now, nor all the water of the world goes to obtain to wash this dirt that you if threaded. I go to give some alternatives, pra to it you to choose the best one of them. To be quietinho pra to gain bonbon, to erase to order me while it is time, as it made with the Euclides, to hide under of the skirt of its mother to process, me for false accusation or to run away from the country, being beaten the heel in bunda.