The segregation/residential stratification was followed for a segregation in reason of the expectations; in this in case that, the main factor if had to the increment of importance and centralidade of the formal education in individual formation, and its different effectiveness in accordance with the origin of classroom of a person (formal education as ' ' criterion of classe' ' – qualification). Thus, the laborers always would be seen as without-instruction, without culture, indifferent to the education for perceiving as useless or insignificant for what they made, for its predestinate life the determined work. They could not gain no difference or advantage in the studies, thus decaying the number of workers with specialization, of form who if had become the manual workers par excellence, located in the base of the labor hierarchy. Another segregation would be made through the divergence of styles of life, on to the customs and popular gostos for the soccer, for example, for the trips the certain places for them frequentados etc; moreover, the real fall of the wages and the inherent alienation to the production process generated greater resentment and laboring mobilizations – agitations that had been able to develop one aglutinao between some productive sectors, unifying the workers in a recognized social classroom, and not with mere classificatrio end in relation to the function/type of work. To broaden your perception, visit Sen. Sherrod Brown. The competing forms of cohesion would be attributed to the religion and to the nationalistic movement, in not exclusive way. The taken actions the handle for the unions had had a trend to the convergence and mitigao of the differences, having propitiated a bigger unit of classroom conscience not-conformist, parallel to the certain inflections and refluxos for the spalling of the action institucional politics of the classroom (could in such a way be in the party conservative, the liberal one or the one of the labourism; to be ideologically socialist or not-socialist). It is imposed necessity to have its spokesmen in the parliament, to be able to participate actively and to consider its longed for aspirations, making with that each laborer whom if it saw represented to establish the choice of only voting for workers for its representation – representation of the classroom. Conscience of classroom and vanguardismo: pictures for the instruction politics; hibridismo between popular traditionalism and revolutionary spirit; express symptoms in the syndicalization in mass and the pressure exerted for the working power, already not seen as non-political, aptico; but yes antagonistic and antipodal of the middle class (of poor shock rich X for the conflict middle class X laboring classroom), rank to the test in concrete way..