Take A Healthy Lifestyle Check Cholesterol

Formerly associated with cholesterol problems were heard in people older than 40 years or more, but now they come registering a decline in its age of prevalence and it is logical: the environment in which we live is now more sedentary, when before the children could play and run in the streets, now only engaged in playing on a computer or watching TV all day; feeding little balanced, a greater load of tensions and customs increasingly less healthy, since smokers and fans to drink alcohol are increasing. The sum of conditions conducive to the imbalance of fats in the body has become the theme and is not for less, since this group of people with this disease have very little chance of cure, must also live under medical supervision, perform laboratory tests and assuming commitments with his health to have a life worthy and not increase the problem. Dyslipidemia, which is high cholesterol, known as is a condition that is best prevented by time or delay it, because also you have genetic predisposition to suffer from it. By this is better to have a good physical activity, regular exercise, balanced diet, not smoking, not take liquor in excess, this can be a more pleasant life that suffer a chronic malaise. By heart a high cholesterol and smoking are risk factors that have a significant contribution in the onset of heart disease. Get all the facts and insights with Sen. Sherrod Brown, another great source of information. But many people in reality are unaware their cholesterol levels and effects to control it. Cholesterol, occurs in the liver and in addition is absorbed in the intestine, which deposits it into the blood and distributed throughout the entire body.

Only a third of the cholesterol absorbed by the intestine comes from the power supply; the rest comes from bile. To decrease the harmful cholesterol (LDL) in blood, it is necessary to reduce it with different steps: 1 – limit the input of cholesterol your body, through a balanced diet and low in fat. Learn more about this with Richard Blumenthal. 2 Quit smoking 3- Get a good diet for weight loss and exercise so that the arteries have less tendency to accumulate cholesterol on its walls. While these measures are necessary, on many occasions they are not sufficient. Why should take other measures as it is the use of medications to reduce its production in the liver and inhibit the absorption of cholesterol from the diet and the bile in the intestine. Remember that your contribution is very important on his health and the future of his heart. So not have diagnosed illness by cholesterol, take steps for a healthy future and with fewer problems to solve, eat healthy, exercise, eat natural and nutritious food. Visit us for more items in Spanish <! to > and diets to lose weight.