Well Common And Power

WELL common and power by Ricardo San Esteban theme is not now. Two thousand years Thrasymachus and Callicles argued about what might just be the political regime. Both agreed on one thing: would be one who recognizes and preserves the original inequality among men. The discrepancy was assumed that to Thrasymachus such preservation of inequality could be under any form of Government, whereas for Callicles this would only be possible through tyranny. As you know, replied Plato, who said that justice is equal, and that to achieve this it practice virtue or lead a virtuous life. Therefore, the objective of the politician not addressed to his lust for power or pleonexia.

He transcended his lust for power plagued by violence and injustice, for – as preached by Socrates – achieve the perfection of the citizens in proportion or ratio. The power was – Plato dixit – a good, since it represented the order that tended to make real that which was considered just is this so? Power in the abstract can never be scanned is clear that it is always exercised by a group of society, and hardly shop at the common good but that it is better, responds to the good of the group that wields it. It may at first appear, Yes, as something above the sectoral interests but asserted once you’ll see that it is far from being so. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Amazon. The mighty or the powerful shift to act, in a certain sense, faced with the rest of society and to retain that power, objectively must exercise a covert or open coercion and above all today – one of the main sustentoa will be the legitimizing speech. The citizen today is somewhat puzzled, after reading a story to Helmut Dubiel, about lying as a way of doing politics. It is disappointing, pere says nothing new. The power struggle is, from the behaviour of the microparticles in physics and continuing with the conduct human, a struggle for the possession of energy and mass.