Applied Economic Research

In accordance with the Ipea, Minas Gerais and So Paulo, more populous, pull the average of the region for low, with 7,1 and 11 homicides for 100 a thousand inhabitants, respectively. The research still affirms that the Espirito Santo presented in 2009 the tax highest of homicides 57,9 murders for 100 a thousand, even so has the per capita cost for citizen of R$ 200,67, losing only for Alagoas (63,3 for 100 a thousand). In the Region Center-West, according to research, the population has high sensation of security. The expense in the sector is above average national (per capita R$ 225). The tax of murder, however, is equally above average (254 for million of inhabitants).

Still according to given of the research, the inhabitants of the South region present the lesser incidence of unreliability. Already the expenses in the sector present per capita R$ 172,75, being second region that less it spends with public security. Following this line, in 2011 an intitled study ‘ ‘ System of Pointers of Percepo Social (SIPS) on Pblica’ Security; ‘ , divulged in 30.03.2011, for the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA, 20011b), it evidenced that the Brazilians northeast are the ones that more fear murders. In accordance with the research, 85.8% of the interviewed ones in the region had affirmed to have much fear to be assassinated. Valley to stand out that the research of the IPEA heard 2,770 people, between days 17 and 31 of May of 2010. The distribution of the domiciles in quotas for Brazil, regions, and 0 variable had been considered as sex, etria band, bands of income and escolaridade. Brazil longs for to advance in the public politics of security and, at the same time, it searchs the participation in the Advice of security of the ONU, aiming at to equate or to mediate conflicts that involve Humanos.