I finished her law degree in 2003 and as many of us (lawyers), I thought what to do with my professional life, working autonomously or try to be part of a law firm? As my economic possibilities were not very big I opted for the second option, I joined a humble law firm that solved all kinds of cases. During 5 years of my life I was working for this firm in the traditional manner to as much of the law firms are working (according to profession colleagues tell me). Papers, files, mobile, a complex customer management application, and if you’re a bit lucky Secretariat were the tools that were available for day to day work. One day tired to be orders from my boss, I thought that he already knew the business, had saved something and had enough experience to start walking by myself professionally. I rode my humildisimo Office and I began the grueling work of getting customers, for this purpose I use from the easy resource, friends, family, and a grateful customer in my previous Office, were the first that I began to start my business. Little by little with this clientele and Word of mouth or mouth them, got to having a portfolio of clients that allowed me a decent salary but that was not to have great joys. All this was fine, but I thought that I had to find a way to be able to increase my income within this business, the conclusion was easy, it was necessary to attract more customers, but how to get this?, my Office did not differ greatly from others, worked seriously and solved cases with the greatest possible professionalism, but that others also do it, and also not had enough money to spend on some kind of advertising. I needed to find something and then when I thought that the Internet was the key.