Baal Sulam

If we can unlock its 'thousand castles', it will not just read the text, and We turn into travel on a unique, exciting world. The world, hidden within our hearts. But for that to happen, we must first make an internal move, 'open' locked deep inside feeling. Indeed, key and lock are located inside of us. The main thing – to learn the method of promotion in higher space. And it's not easy. So Baal Sulam and writes that the wisdom of this book 'is locked in a thousand castles ". So how do you actually can open the this metaphorical door? To do this we need to change yourself so that to be like a world that lies ahead.

Then we get to it without any problems. The book 'Zohar' says that all worlds exist in man. Cycling internal mechanisms, awakening your hidden resources yet, one can easily 'get inside the books' and to feel in yourself all the things she tells us. After all that is required from the person – is not any special features or outstanding intelligence, but the most usual desire to reveal the hidden information inside the book. According to Amazon, who has experience with these questions. That desire must be to learn to perceive the hidden meaning of words and concepts, and instead of just the reader become a traveler the hidden spaces.

Text 'Zohar' written in such a way that the reader gradually reveals more and more clear picture. Going forward, he better understands what is going on with him, feeling more and more subtle movements of his inner peace and deeper insight into the once hidden from him states. Not yet disclosed their worlds await him in the form of gravitational forces, which are transformed into perceived reality, once a person becomes able to perceive its manifestation. About as valid, for example, the magnetic field. A charged particle 'feels' to imagine his influence and therefore 'knows' that the field exists. But if, while existing within a field, the particle not 'feel' the impact of this field, it would be for her non-existent. Today we see ourselves living in a very small, confined space of our world. And do not feel the existence of an infinite set other, as yet hidden within ourselves worlds. In order to help us move beyond our ordinary world and had written a book of Zohar. Using it, we can rise to a whole new level of existence – life, feeling themselves at the same time part, and the owner of the entire universe, to learn to manage it for ever, and accomplished a great passage of laws, forces, and information. Weekly lessons in the book of Zohar, in Russian –

Success Life

Can happen a lot things that you might be surprised. And you will blame someone that is going on. Why is this happening? Because most people is still the “cogs” in the car oligarchy. You like it? You is satisfied? Is it true? I think that is unlikely. And for those who do not agree with the current state of affairs, I want to give some tips for success. Principles uspeha20 important tips for success. Production goal duly 1. Decide right now that will succeed.

2. Believe in what you achieve success. 3. Write down your goals on paper. 4. Identify the advantages you get if you achieve set goals. 5.

Determine the position where you are now. 6. Set the calendar date for achieving the goals. 7. Try to consider all possible obstacles that you must overcome. 8. Identify the skills and knowledge that you must master to achieve the goals. 9. Determine how to obtain this knowledge. 10. Give yourself a promise that you will never back away from the decision and will follow this goal in spite of all difficulties and obstacles. How to develop the consciousness of success 11. Develop a positive attitude towards events, people, situations, keep this attitude in itself. 12. Take responsibility for the situation in life, where you are now. 13. Develop the confidence in the company, product and opportunity to succeed. 14. Maintain your own enthusiasm despite the fact the sun is shining or if it rain, and despite all the hardships of life. 15. Persistence is necessary for success, to develop it in yourself and save. 16. The desire to be, do and have everything in this world – this is your philosophy. 17. Discipline – is the master key to long-term success. 18. Be strong, as the courage – it is nobility in the trials 19. Develop self-confidence and be prepared to overcome the most incredible hardships. 20. Experience the passion, the passion – the energy that moves along the path of success. All of this can be achieved cooperating with the company Vision. I went this way and help you to pass it. And the main secret to reveal to you: Success is not some end point. Success – this way, during which you change, grow, reach their goals. And then put a new one. You only need a great desire to succeed in life and action to accomplish this.

Give Us Our Freedom

Tens of centuries throughout human history had slavery. In America it remained until the end of the nineteenth century, Russian serfdom was abolished a little earlier. Huge masses of people languishing in Slavery iznyvaya from their captivity. We see that even the animals suffer in captivity, and it suggests that nature does not agree with the enslavement of all creation. It is no coincidence led mankind for hundreds of years of war had not yet reached some degree of personal freedom. Freedom can be attributed to the law of nature, pervading all aspects of life. But here's the question: are we able to act on free will? If we analyze our actions, we find that they are all forced and were committed under duress. After all, the inner nature of man, and external circumstances forced him to act on inherent in him algorithm behavior.

Nature throws us into a state of absolute helplessness and uncertainty. We are disappointed in their ability to change something within ourselves and in life in general. Thus, nature offers us to stop the rampant pursuit and devote time the main issue: what we are really able to influence? In the article 'The Freedom' greatest Kabbalist of the last century, J. Ashlag gives detailed instructions and tips on how to find freedom. The first step is the realization that we absolutely everything is the full puppets in the hands of the forces of nature. We are in the thrall of nature and selfish escape from under her control is not so easy.

Germany Results

How to treat this? Can we consider the experiment a clean? Can we trust the findings? Primarily on the findings. Yes, of course, assume that the probability of success in each trial for 50% somewhat presumptuous. Among the predicted Paul matches were those whose results were pre-clear any more or less versed in football, man. But there were others, the result of which even on the field was decided at the last minute. Estimate the probability of success predictions in each case is difficult, but even if we remove from the sample 6 correct results (half of which hypothetically include all matches whose results were clear in advance without any predictions) and leave all wrong, then we obtain the probability of accidental coincidence of 10%, which is also beyond common sense, and in most scientific papers are no longer considered to be coincidental.

Clean experience. Well, what then can be clean? Can the trainer, based out of patriotic motives, put in a jar with a German flag a tasty oyster, and other rotten? So after Paul had predicted the victory of the opponents twice in Germany and in the final match Germany generally has to do with it. This is the first. Well, and secondly, if we return to evaluating the results obtained, that the prophet we have become not Paul, and his trainer, the conclusions are not changed. You can, of course, refer also to conspiracy theory, saying the results of all matches have been pre-painted with a hypothetical 'world government', a TV crew in some sideways gained access to the records of these insidious plans and used to further bubble cut.