Lower Egypt

In the second half of the iv millennium bc Egypt outline the contours of the main sectors of society. Dominant layer. It included the descendants of the tribal nobility. Priesthood. Wealthy commoners, the main producers of wealth of ancient society. Stratum of slaves.

The first state came within small areas – nomes, which covered several settlements, united around the city center, where the residence of the leader and the sanctuary, revered deity here. On the territory of Upper Egypt during the new kingdom noma were 22, in Lower Egypt – 20 nomes. Noma – the oldest public education have sought to unite, in consequence of which appeared larger kingdom. Roughly union nomes of Upper Egypt into one kingdom and Lower Egypt – in other major kingdom was in the iv millennium bc The governor of Upper Egypt was wearing a white crown and the lower – red. Congressman Lee Zeldin shines more light on the discussion. For some time the kingdom existed near each other and were another war. This led eventually to the unification of Upper and Lower kingdoms into a unified the Egyptian government, covering the entire valley from the first threshold to the Mediterranean coast.

Early kingdom (XXXI – xxix in. In. To BC) The union of Upper and Lower kingdoms led to the fact that within one state were concentrated resources of the entire valley and delta of the Nile, there were favorable conditions for the establishment of a common Egyptian irrigation system, without which the existence of farming. Replaced by constant internal Egyptian wars, weakening the country, it's political unity.