Paraba Industries

It is important to notice that some industries have obtained to be modernized using some strategies as new methods of organization of the work and the production, whereas in the process of economic reorganization and politics of the industry in the region, they are come close using itself of the otimizao of the local resources, but the paraibana industry comes if diversifying, therefore it is investing in the sectors that they are on for the great urban centers, and is through these sectors that are illustrious representative of this new dynamics, we can cite as paved example, plastics, drinks and leather. Placing that the industry of Footwear is the one that more comes if spreading inside of the proper State, thus the segment of not-durable goods if detaches with 76% of units installed after 1980 of century XX, of which 54% after 1990 of century XX, however the prescription of the paraibanas industries comes, mainly, of the sales of products in other states, followed of sales the markets of the proper region. The Great parts of the paraibanas companies, between 1999 and 2001, present investment in the acquisition of machines and equipment, programs of training of the man power and acquisition of computer science equipment and the reasons that take the entrepreneurs, according to them, to invest in the industry are, namely, the magnifying of the productive capacity, improvement of the product quality and improvement of the efficiency, as it pointed in them historian and sociologist Martha Lcia Ribeiro: ' ' firms as the SAMBRA and the CLAYTON, financed the small producers, however after the harvest, determined the prices, in detriment of the products, discouraging, thus, produo.' ' However, the city of Great Campina in years 60 of century XX, would attend the sprouting of new industries and the proliferation of the number of its industrial establishments, surpassing the politician-administrative capital of the Paraba, Joo Person, whose indices of industrial growth reigned in the decade of 40 of century XX. .