Japanese Poets

Specific poems by Japanese poets called haiku. Of course, the poems call them is not easy, but they have their fans. Their specificity is that these verses do not rhyme, as such, but, nevertheless, be read they are easy, lyrical and romantic haiku. I think that will leave nobody indifferent lines like Letting his gaze to the sun suddenly understand It is so lonely It's haiku. Haiku should consist of three lines. Haiku only able to convey not the event itself, and the feeling, emotion, feeling, momentary excitement of the event.

Poetry, unlike prose, can be briefly and accurately describe what is actually meant to say a poet. Through vivid images that are used in the poets his works, the reader gets an opportunity to reflect on what the author wanted to convey. The beauty of haiku is still in the fact that they can write virtually every person with even little creativity. Only remember some fairly simple rules and you can become a poet. First, a haiku usually consist of three lines.

Secondly – of 17 syllables. The second rule is written exclusively for the Japanese poets, with their unusual for a European language, so it can be easily broken. And one more rule – a haiku to be read easily, because they do not describe something specific, and ephemeral, airy, light feeling. There are poems dedicated to an event or a personality. These poems are called odes. There are poems that perfectly fit the music. These poems become songs, and if a poet and composer talent, songs become hits. There are lyric poems are political poems. It is very popular today, as it always give poetry a birthday or anniversary. Poems are written, usually in love, and how Typically, for loved ones. These poems are called love lyrics. Probably each of us once wrote poetry, but few have achieved in the tops of talent, professionalism, and only a few have become popular. Most come to terms with his talent, which can not cope with his own uselessness. Today poetry is used to a greater degree in order to admit a favorite in love, but in order to attract customers to your product or service. Advertising slogans can hardly be called poetry, in the sublime sense of the word. However, it quickly memorized verses advertising potential buyers, there are the subconscious, and as a consequence – His desire to purchase a particular product, after which the words were formed in rhyme. People who are mediocre, but firmly believes in his talent and even genius somewhere, called graphomaniac. They confuse God's gift to the eggs. Such people are simply pathetic. Poetry – lady capricious and will not be tolerated in the ranks of its adherents mediocrities. Poems and prose by contemporary authors on the literary site "hut-Reading Room


When in those days did show him the currency you paid taxes, offered him a penny and had a figure and was inscribed "Caesar." Thus, the alleged cheating that had been lying, he knew to get out without much difficulty and I am so well known that phrase: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar …". Now, when self-assess the taxes and no coin bearing the inscription of Caesar, or even an inscription that says who he is, nor the papers (banknotes) and coins in circulation has a gold convertible … Even in some cases they are just numbers that represent the total receipts that could have on their hands and they look like decrease with the rest and still, when it comes to paying taxes and deductions that have been made over the years were lower than what supposedly played pay. Perhaps this is why one of the reasons that our dear politicians find it necessary that everything is "relative" and that everything can be "dialogue" is to defend his position in power, not to serve, but to send … And so, you can enjoy its wealth in tangible personal level increases as you remain in your command chair.

Perhaps this is why it is necessary that everything is "relative" because otherwise the policy shift could not resolve the contradictions that will be faced with the individual conscience of the members who form a society which supposedly seeks to lead. For example: – A pacifist may be financing the cost of a war not in self-defense. – One who loves life may be financing the killing of unborn children and sick people. – A worker may be financing the pleasures of vague. – An environmentalist may be financing the wanton destruction of natural environments. – A Democrat may be funding groups that seek the destruction of the democratic system. So, when it is a bit of conscience, and he has had to live in a society where reigns the "relative", and these approaches "relative" has resulted in the financing of concepts indispensable to their conscience, would have to bear in mind that "Finance is not Caesar.".

Red Salon Viral

Viral video award 2011: online voting started 21 nominees out of 500 entries arise ceremony runs the online audience voting up to 17.11 on of the viral video Awards will take place on the 18 November in Berlin instead of Berlin, 17.10.2011 now Internet users can for one month for the audience award of the viral video award 2011 vote. From 500 submitted viral Web videos from 35 countries Zucker.Kommunikation, interfilm Berlin, the Heinrich-Boll-Stiftung have nominated PR agency 21 finalists, which can be viewed and rated on. 4 viral video on 18 November in the framework of the 27th International short film festival interfilm Berlin award. All kinds of genres are represented: original promotional clips big companies of up to naughty staged spots by non-governmental organizations. Product advertising competes with global issues such as climate, consumption, freedom, AIDS, poverty, waste and exploitation of vacuum cleaner, beer, cameras, games, cars, etc..

Anti advertising is also represented as Fake commercials. Whether geschauspielert, animated or stop motion: the nominees virals vouch for the strength of democratic attention is spreading on the Internet. In addition to the audience be the jury prize determined by the voting and for the second time the award for the best political viral with the topics climate, democracy or justice award. “Price of the awards the 1.000,-euros are 28black, the Berliner Landesinitiative project future” and the Heinrich Boll-Foundation. The jury is with the filmmakers and prize-winner of the viral video Awards 2009 Alexander Lehmann (you’re terrorist”), the journalist and radio presenter Marion Brasch (radio one) and the Blogger Rene Walter (Nerdcore) competently staffed. Jury member Rene Walter about what constitutes a good viral: Good viral become memes and memes are ultimately only ideas that can spread rapidly in the level to level communication biotope. The idea must be simple, slim and obvious. And of course gorgeous.” On the Award ceremony on November 18th at 9: 00 in the Red Salon of the Volksbuhne in Berlin are all nominated virals presented and the three winning films viral video award with the. As a moderator, Jan Lerch will guide through the event.


We are in times of elections and evidence of this, they are the comings and goings that happen between candidates who are sparing no praise to his adversaries. Politicians have sought to people from the artistic environment so that they integrate the lists, sportsmen, daughters or wives of; anything goes when adding popularity. And it’s not bad. It is not something Ohio Senator would like to discuss. Given that many of those who venture into the field of politics, they are probably things make; the delicacy of the case is that ever there was talk of projects or ideas, when in reality this should prevail. Even though they know it, simply interested continue clinging to power and do not mind the price to be paid. And they use who have on hand. This practice appeared with the Menem – to which all seek to ignore – when at the time praised as the best President that the country has ever had.

However, the mode is in effect. And they take advantage of it. Clearer of the inefficient thing that these political profession politicians have been shown, it is the quality of life of the inhabitants of a society that Live postponed for years, without being able to resolve their deepest questions pertaining to their lives. That degree of seriousness may have representatives who deal with their political opponents as if they were the worst enemies? Confidence can have when they halagan and then they insult as if nothing had happened and it is not one minor detail, it is not very serious people of this ilk in power. They have enormous ability to backtrack from what have been said five minutes earlier, and not blush at all. They speak of poverty as if they speak of something you knew, that they hate it – just see how they live-, only used in these times, when they walk built their expensive by walking through a poor neighborhood shoes and lifted a child full of snot for a photo which will then tour the news agencies.

Argentine Government

Argentine banks have had to work hard to rebuild links with the society in Argentina. While banks had a specific responsibility in the crisis that decreed the end of convertibility, the Argentine government appears to be primarily responsible for it. But the Argentine government was not only the cause of the crisis, but also was largely responsible for the deteriorating situation in the banking sector, forcing banks to buy government debt (high risk) in the absence of a lender to the State. Whenever Ohio Senator listens, a sympathetic response will follow. a If the government has been responsible for leading the Argentine banking system was a bit of the gap (in fact, several banks fell on it), we may assume that among banks and the Argentine government also broke the link confidence. This in fact was not as well as the crisis has led to the emergence of new private equity national benefited greatly with the new model country. a As the economy runs smoothly and everything was growth, there was no reason for distrust, but in times of need, the situation changed radically.

The new Argentine bankers have so far been almost spectators witnessed how the government has been dipping into action as I could get to balance their accounts. a As one friend who is in serious financial trouble, the Argentine government decided to make what could be considered a default friendly. In fact, as announced to The Nation newspaper, the government did was refinance maturing this year I had with the Anses worth $ 8.. Connecticut Senator has plenty of information regarding this issue.

A Bit Of Strategy In Alpha Empire

For the successful conduct of the war against greatly superior forces upsf our alliance sc have to use strategy ancestors – the Scythians, and Russians (both World War II) – Stretching the enemy’s communications, a violation logistics and coordination. In practice, this is as follows: construct a chain of martial planets, the main purpose of which, the production of fighters and frigates. That they take the blow of the first wave invasion. At this time, a strong expeditionary force engaged in the exploration and cleansing rears, preparing the second line of defense. In the course of stripping an acquaintance with the newcomers. We conduct the selection of potential candidates for the alliance, but we are relatively weak and can not make commitments to ensure full security of recruits, we are forced to deny the request for admission into the alliance (please nobody get offended).

The second important task expeditionary force – the identification and destruction of individual colonies and enemy groupings, as well as patrol and reconnaissance ships. Further, with increasing pressure on the first line of the planets, we plot the maximum damage to the enemy (at its minimal losses – an example of the trap ‘) and produce the withdrawal of the fleet on the second line of defense. On average, the assault of a system of 3-4 planets is the enemy of about 7-10 days and each time the distance delivery reinforcements opponents increases on one system, and our fleet is constantly evolving and growing and gets reinforcements directly from neighboring systems. To prepare the world to combat the use of sufficiently days, three days, she turns into a small fortress and an aircraft carrier in one person. Respectively, for 7-10 days with no problems being prepared in depth defense system. Periodically in the rear and the new territories we encounter little resistance to newcomers. It’s a shame that as a rule, all these flashes of aggression occurs without warning and without apparent reason. That is, we can conclude on the influence of agents upsf on immature minds newly minted star fighters))) I must say that such military tactics smoothly flows into the political, so it leaves behind enemy lines, many of our potential supporters (fifth column) is always ready in an hour ‘X’ present a united front against the aggressors. Now some statistics: Military rating upsf – 2370062, our only – 183,081 (a difference of more than 10 times). In fairness say that the struggle is not with the entire alliance at a time, but the 8.5 strong players

We oppose all the time, which is also not force the call))) Best player upsf volk 16 seats to the military ranking – 200874, our best fighter Red Devil Ars – at 233 (chustvuetet difference) with a rating of 56,646. Nevertheless, we grow, develop and successfully confront the aggressor. At this stage of the conflict are negotiating a truce due to the sudden desire of all meaningful alliances to peacemaking, which will undoubtedly positive moment in the game, and the wise head of alliances certainly deserve thanks. But not so simple in global politics ae long-brewing crisis threatens to turn into a major war. But here’s how it is resolved remains to be seen and the next article on politics in the game. Sorry, the article is somewhat dry, but Becky had promised to revise it and put it on lj artistic version of past events. It will be interesting) other materials at our site.

Human Rights

Maybe it's time to stop wait for the "bright tomorrow", to "the good life of our grandchildren," to "a bad peace – better than a good quarrel." Everything should be placed on their places: not a good argument now, we can not elect a strong but fair power tomorrow, and without this there will come a bright tomorrow and the lives of our grandchildren will be just as vile and disgusting, as well as ours. Therefore I would like to remind popular wisdom, current at all times and all peoples: "In God helps those who help themselves." So let's just do not go to church, pray to God, but let us, after all, and to act: to think, decide to fight, to work. AND did not get up to no one of us the question: "And we do something – what?" Self-restraint, or: – "What is the" human rights "? "Human Rights" – most of us still do not understand what it is. Richard Blumenthal may find this interesting as well. This is facilitated by a number of reasons: the entire Soviet period, was silent about this international Convention, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union as a matter of it that seems to know all these "rights" and seems to be nothing to comment on them and learn. At least in the schools to has not yet been set aside hours to study them, and yet it would be necessary. Maybe then the kids could explain to adults, that "human rights" is not "right" to expand their rights at the expense of others.

Legal Registration

Each time the recording acts, whether the modification or registration of the llc is required to provide information about the legal address. Specifying jur. addresses are important for solving all kinds of legal issues related to the functioning of society. We are talking about such concepts as the definition of standing, jurisdiction, appointment of a fiscal authority, etc. In addition, jur.

address is the means of individualization jur. person. Try to understand what the legal address, and how exactly it should be omitted. In the broadest sense of the presence of jur. address means a lease agreement between the entity and the owner of the premises, subject which is the premise, or part thereof provided for accommodation and permanent location of the executive bodies of a legal entity. In fact, Russian law does not apply the term domicile, for in the literature there are different regulatory concepts such as the address of the location of the organization, its principal place of work, place of storage of documents, mailing address, etc.

According to the existing the law clearly laid down the concepts address does not exist. Part 2, Art. 1954 Civil Code states that "The location jur. persons determined by the place of his state. registration State. registration is done at the location of its permanent executive body or another body or person entitled to act on behalf of jur. person without a warrant. " Which implies that all these definitions satisfy the legislation. However, enforcement experience shows, for example, that the tax authorities need to specify "actual address" and explain "this is the place where the documentation, an accountant and director, licensing authorities do not lag behind tax and offer their refinement type checking at 6:30 am, the organization at this address was not found. " Again, the question arises about the mailing address, which also does not say anything specific, but which used for various notifications and in case of non-receipt of any information with the responsibility still lies with society. The following question remains open whether this can be as a mailing address to use mailbox of a liaison office or it could be only a specific address of any premises. All of these ambiguities and enjoy the company. And what a lot of reasons. For example change jur. addresses can cause a transition from one tax office to another. That, in turn, will result in a lengthy process associated, at best, with a reconciliation of taxes and payment of all imaginary and not much debt. Apart from this it is necessary to change statutory documents, various licenses, contracts, customs documents, etc. To avoid these inconsistencies need to clearly fix the basic concepts of law relating to the address and location of the enterprise.

The Mayor

More secrets also exit the Vatican for the first time a letter from silk written by the Chinese Empress Wang, who converted to Catholicism He adopted the name of Elena, Pope Inocencio x (1650). Wang advises the Pontiff that thanks to the preaching of the Jesuits has embraced the Catholic faith along with his son Yongli, baptized as Constantine. Bull of the dismissal of Federico II (1245), the first paper on dismissal of an emperor by a Pope (innocent IV) will also form part of the sample, as well as some documents due to the second world war. Interviews if they will be on Pope Pius XII, who played lead the Church in that turbulent period, Pagano said that no documentation on that papacy is still secret and that opens within three or four years, prior to clarify that you it’s four or five photographs on the barbarism committed by men, such as deaths of children and families and Nazi concentration camps. To avoid damaging the light not to some documents, will be placed in special polls, with temperature control and low light.

The Mayor of Rome highlighted the importance of the exhibition and said that you because to the value of the documents it is possible that this is the first and only time that leaving the Vatican ends. The Vatican Secret Archives, the largest and most international in the world, preserves documents of twelve centuries, spread over 85 miles of shelves in its vast deposits. The exhibition will be open from February to September 2012. Source of the news: the Vatican brings to light one hundred of its greatest secrets

Federal Constitution

With this in passing of the time the Right reached a new branch: The Enviromental law which Carlos Gomes de Carvalho (1990, p.140), defined as: ‘ ‘ a set of principles and rules destined to the administrative protection of the environment understanding measured and judicial with the economic and financial repairing of the actual damages to the environment and ecosystems in a way geral’ ‘. Being then possible to idealize two aspects of the Enviromental law the first one would be an objective, consistent in the set of rules of law disciplinarians of the protection of the quality of the environment, as then it would be as a science that has as purpose the systemize knowledge of the norms and principles collators of the quality of the environment. The Brazilian legislation then specifically in art. 225 CF, consider the environment as a basic right, making use that: ‘ ‘ All have right to the environment ecologically balanced, public easement of the people and essential to the healthy quality of life, imposing themselves it the public power and to the collective the duty of to defend it and to preserve it for the future gifts and geraes’ ‘. Analyzing the article we can perceive that the environment is given as a good that is protected constitutionally, being of use joint of the necessary people and for a healthy quality of life, but knowing that it is necessary to usufruct of the resources that the environment offers it is to have of all to know to protect and to use exactly with conscience. Ohio Senator may not feel the same. Thus searching an interaction between society and State, aiming at a democratic participation in the ambient questions, having in mind the basic principle of the dignity of the person human being, consequentemente the proper on life to the right of living in a decent place and I propitiate for such. Perceiving as soon as without a doubt some the Federal Constitution together with the ambient Legislation searchs to protect the quality of the environment in function of the quality of life. Thus we can notice the importance of the study of the norms referring to such subject, however one of the great challenges of the present time is exactly the ambient legal protection, therefore as research and studies deepened the area demonstrate that for the way that the things are occurring in such a way the animal species as the human being runs serious risks of extinguishing.

Showing that the understanding and definition of the new model of the democratic State of right and the basic theory of the right are indispensable to have a more active and complex ambient protection legal.