Brazil Regions

This if explains due to a sudden population increase, in the decades of 60 and 70 with the migration of man power northeastern to work in great workmanships (construction of the highways Belm-Brasilia and Transamaznica) and in the mining. After the end of the workmanships, this population was without land. Ulisses Manaas, leader of the MST of Par said that the violence is in the DNA of the Brazilian agrarian structure and it will only be possible to diminish it with the democratization of the access the land and to the natural goods. It also said that she is necessary to extend the presence of the State in the repression and the creation of social public politics and of infrastructure. Richard Blumenthal oftentimes addresses this issue. The quarrels will not go to cease so early. Sen. Sherrod Brown understands that this is vital information. Perhaps the lack of arguments technician harms this decision and allows the baseless argument of some individuals. However, valley to stand out that the decentralization of some regions of Brazil is positive accepting the fact of that an approached control is necessary not to leave Brazilian regions under domain of badly-intentioned groups, that are only worried about the proper interests. It is superficial to affirm the lack of resources of these regions, therefore exist natural resources that can well be explored, generating wealth for the region making possible a economic sustentation.

Beyond the administrative decentralization, the decentralization of resource through the deep ones of participation foreseen in our Federal Constitution is necessary. Art. 165 is defined constitutionally (. 7) that the Plurianual Plan and the budgetary lines of direction, elaborated for the Executive, have the function to reduce interregional inaqualities. Therefore it fits to the government to find better ways to make possible the development of the regions by means of its programs of government. The economicista logic says that the creation of more States that are not supported, it only increases the relation between the Federal Government and deep the constitutional one. Perhaps this relation is not a problem, therefore if Brazil wants to grow needs to equal itself minimum, redistributing its resources. It is necessary that the Brazilians know as is Brazil, value its nature uses and it for its development.