City Square

Along the wide street sweeps flow of cars. What is not an occasion for the conversation? Many citizens of Minsk adore these carriage. The merits of a modern car is usually a lot. Lack of a well known one – they do exist. In the center of the stream rustling trams.

Public transport – is also an occasion to enter into close contact. Passing through the transition, you find some buildings at BSU. If you turn left, you will see some government agencies. Architecture, education, politics – great topic for thoughtful discussion. And go to the right (as opposed to a Russian fairy tale character, who was questionable before the stone for you to choose any direction will pleasant), find the stadium "Dynamo". On the football, we talk a lot only. Increasing the number of contractual and bought games are also affected positively …

for discussions. From the stadium by the house officers and nice little park go down to Gorky Park. Here, walking, swallowing popcorn lovers, or just a couple tormented longing. Those halves does not find, you can be identified by the interested in your views direction. So the chance to start dating in Minsk, and you have. We leave to the Victory Square with its eternal flame. Going forward, you go to Yakub Kolas Square. In decorating her little square is a statue of the author surrounded by several characters. While you are trying to vaguely recall some printed word, look for a building with columns – it's Philharmonic Hall.