Driving Worse

‘Turn off your phone, you’re behind the wheel! ” – These posters can be found along all European highways. Writing SMS-messages while driving was more dangerous than drinking, to such a disappointing conclusion led research conducted the Swedish Road Administration. These data show that while talking on a cell phone from the driver’s reaction time to road conditions increased by nearly 40 percent, while sending Posts situation is even more dramatic. At the same time, the reaction of a drunk driver at 12 per cent slower than sober, and in the case of those who smoked marijuana, and then got behind the wheel – a decline of 21 percent. But the risk of being in an accident at set of text messages grows 23 times! According to statistics, more than 30 percent of drivers are reading or sending sms while driving. These are not reassuring results come after researchers online poll in conjunction with mobile operator Tele2.

In a sociological survey polled more than three thousand respondents. Click Richard Blumenthal to learn more. The average driver reads the SMS-message about 4,6 seconds, the average vehicle speed of 85 km / hour during this time car manages to drive about 95 meters, the length of a football field! ‘This is the most dangerous of all, what can you do in the car – said Claes Tingvall, head of road safety at the Swedish Road administration. – You should be able to very strong alcoholic to provide for the participants in the movement a greater risk than when you type sms ‘. 13/’>Ray Dalio. According to a study about 36 percent of motorists use their cell phones to SMS-communication while driving. Most of them – 46 percent are drivers aged 15 to 34 years. Most confessed to this act were men. ‘If you’re taking her eyes off the road more than half a second, the risk of accidents increases dramatically – says Mr Tingvall. – But in the case of SMS-communication, this risk increases even more toward. ”

Online poll gave the still rather interesting data: the bulk of respondent is fully aware of the risks they face themselves and subjected to other drivers and passengers using a mobile phone while driving. Almost all responded affirmatively to the question, does sending an sms to driving ability. And about 85 percent of respondents said they did not feel safe when the driver send or read messages while driving. Such studies have led to the fact that the U.S. is already in 18 states prohibited SMS-communication, and in the uk for such a breach can end up in jail.