Electoral Law

Maria Salgado 20 m, Marta Bac 20 m do not intend to leave the camp after Sunday’s election. They seek to change the electoral law, that basic rights have greater attention and the abolition of discriminatory laws. They summon a manifestation for the day of reflection on Saturday. In Barcelona, more than a thousand people remain in plaza Catalunya. The protests and the vote for the next 22-M. LIST: The best slogans VIDEOS of the mobilizations. In the Puerta del Sol still assemblies of persons belonging to the 15-M movement to decide the present and future of the protest in the central Madrid plaza.

After enduring a whole night of rain, concentrates held a first meeting at 1215 hours on Thursday which had voice all commissions. In this meeting was decided that the concentration will remain indefinitely and will not cease after the municipal and regional elections next Sunday. During the Assembly, the campers wanted to thank all of the food and aid received, although they wanted to make it clear that it is not of any bottle or celebration and that people not go there to have fun. After almost an hour of sharing of ideas, settled the three basic points of his proposal: change the electoral law, that basic rights to have more attention and abolishing laws deemed discriminatory. Already six in the evening, he began a new Assembly in which protesters requests was summarized. In the social sphere, they ask for the right to decent housing, amparo to the homeless, the recovery of historical memory, reform of the Aliens Act and promote public transport. In culture and education, they want to repeal the Bologna process and the LOGSE, remove the law Sinde and a public, free, secular, and bilingual education. In the political field, insist on reforming the electoral law with open lists, a democracy more participative with rrendum, establish the Republic and repealing the law on parties.