The right is a requirement of the state life: ubi homo, ibi societas; ubi societas, ibi jus. The legal doctrine had a great one occasions of development when it passed to be treated as a technological knowledge, as they recognize Ricasns Siches; C. Perelman, Alf Ross. Swarmed by offers, Amazon is currently assessing future choices. The expression legal technique if divulged between the jurists, since its use for Savigny, Ihering, Geny. Was transferred to consider it the legal knowledge as directed, a teleologic knowledge.
On the legal knowledge, it says this last one: ' ' I have supported that princpko of the pureness of science is not violated whenever if puts of manifesto that this part of the legal politics is not of scientific nature. In the practical this it means that the directive ones must be presented not as scientific conclusions, dressed of authority, as laws scientifically discovered, but as an advice, one recomendao.' ' Eugen Ehrlich, corifeu of the School of the Free Right (Rechschule Brakes), me of the most svanadas legal philosophies, already it warned that what if traditionally calls Science the Right, Dogmtica Jurtdica, does not have to be qualified as science, and yes as an Applied Science. Three workmanships its, Contribution for the theory of the sources of the right, Sociology of the right, legal Logic, had caused great impact in the legal thought, as well as in the thought of followers, as Sitelmann, Kantorowicz, Fuchs, all treating the coincident legal knowledge with our exposition. Roscoe Pound initiated in the United States a new vision of the Right, that was known as School of the Sociological Jurisprudence. Its vision is perfectly to cmpar above with the characteristics, of the technological knowledge, directed. For this School, the logic of the jurist is a logic in reason of the consequences of the application of the law, which, even so only probable, constitute the true center of gravity of the legal logic.