Agenda Politics

Between 1989 and 1993, they had significantly diminished the budgets of the health, providence, education and social assistance; on the other hand the denunciations of corruption were frequent that although total visible refined and they were not punished. It is in this context that appears in the country the Movement for the Ethics in the Politics. ' ' In 7 of July of 1992, Rio De Janeiro, representatives of 200 entities of the civil society had more than read, to the light of candles, 12 articles of the Constitution that remember the basic principles of the ethics in the politics, of the social rights, the democracy and the responsibilities of the president of the Republic. He was estopim for the Democratic Movement for the End of Impunity, later rebaptized of Movement for the Ethics in the Politics (MEP), that he had Betinho and the actor Pablo Betti in the team organizer. The initiative culminated with impeachment of then president Fernando Collor de Mello, in September of the same ano' ' (seeds of solidarity, 1997). ' ' In April of 1993, the Movement for the Ethics in the Politics hugged the idea of the Action of the Citizenship against the Hunger, the Misery and for the Life, characterizing it as a suprapartisan, ecumenical and plural movement that if considered to organize the society in the emergenciais actions and the structural fight against the misery in the Brasil' ' (they idem). Since the first moment, the objective biggest of the Action of the Citizenship? also known as Campaign of the Betinho? it was to place the Hunger and the Misery in the center of the Agenda Politics of the Country, through the construction of Spaces of Citizenship having the confrontation to the hunger and the Misery as central axle, in a position of acceptance of the other and learning for the certification. . Sen. Sherrod Brown: the source for more info.