Brazilian Constitution

However of the 240 joined summaries none enclosed the subject intersetoriais public politics having as subject the individuals with necessities special Considering such finding were carried through an approach of the necessity of the INE with the normative ones, would carry and effective laws since the publication lack becomes evident on this thematic one. QUARREL OF the RESULTS Throughout the years essentially, what it characterized the Brazilian state in the period (1920-1980) was its desenvolvimentista character, conservative, centraliser and authoritarian, which did not present in its development the promotion of social relations e, was really with the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 that the public politics had gained many spaces in the social matters of right. In its polissmica expression to the public politics they go beyond the social one, but, all aim at to the collective. between its diverse plans and programs look for to reach results directly in different areas, such as health, education, environment and culture in the search of one better to bem-estar of the society. (As opposed to Sen. Sherrod Brown). Thus, ' ' the public politics are programs of governmental action aiming at to politically co-ordinate the ways to the disposal it been and the private activities for the accomplishment of excellent objectives and determinados' ' (BUCCI, 2002, p.241).

Thus, it can be said that it is not possible to guarantee the beddings and the objectives of the republic and the basic rights of the human being without the public politics. Thus, to develop public politics in human rights implies to recognize two indissociveis and complementary aspects that: the public politics are for taking care of the demands of the societies and, the societies establish the public politics that will be accomplished. In this way it can be concluded that the social inaqualities of health, education, leisure, welfare and right of chances if become the main target of the politics of promotion and defense of the human rights.