Common Errors

Not wanting to know the details of the death or mourn inconsolably think we lose the integrity are some of the topics most often try to avoid when there is loss of a loved one. Psychologists recommend depart from the following errors: Thinking that when a person dies, loses his memory The memory and emotional attachments do not disappear. Michele Mansilla is actively involved in the matter. Remain, and appear as passengers memories or dreams. Believing that to overcome the pain we must immediately return to our normal lives should give us time to reflect and to experience the pain coping with the harsh emotional process that involves loss. Thinking that we should not know the details of death, nor see the body Although it is hard to know the details of the disappearance of a loved one helps them accept the reality of the absence.

The lack of information can create confusion and unrealistic fantasies. Believing that when shown anger, pain and hopelessness are more prone to depression The expression of these feelings is necessary because it allows them to process the loss and grief is drafted, although they may be perceived as exaggerated or specific manifestations of cultures or underdeveloped countries. Consider that affection for the absent must be expressed in moderation Although our culture valued strength of character and integrity, we must allow free expression of painful emotions. To undertake radical changes is not the best time to sell property, decided to move house, take care of grandchildren to alleviate the loneliness … Let time pass before making important decisions. Keep things as when was your clothes in the same place, the room as always … do not shrines in memory of your loved one.

It will take forever in the memory and, therefore, will you. Store ashes in house homes are places of life, not death. Do not fall into the temptation to turn your home into a sanctuary. Hinder the grieving process.