While they waited, they changed information on the children who frequent the program, as well as the proportionate benefits for it. The mothers who waited there, had very humble appearance, they wore with much simplicity and brought in the face an expression of suffering and concern. One of them, while talked, she kept the hand in the face, despertando a species of mercy. ' ' Thanks to God my mnino you here, this dinheirim aid dimais' ' To that he looked a vacant for the son, to who it he called rebelled, he spoke: ' ' Penalty that in one has vacant more, had that April more, this is so bo here pra they Par to think bobage, to think about drug and people still dinheirim gains one that aid very in house ' '. At this moment, it was evident the interest of the mothers for the stock market that the children receive, when participating of the project, at the same time was visible the paternal absence. Each participant of the PEOPLE OF the FUTURE receives as allowance for expenses 100 monthly Reals. But to frequent and to receive this value, percent of frequency in the school is necessary 80 and the same frequency in the program, seno loses the stock market.
This makes with that the mothers stimulate its children to participate with the greater possible assiduity. In the wait room, it is noticed many thoughts of known writers, writings in bristol board pieces affixed on the walls. Amongst them: ' ' The true illiterates are the ones that had learned to read and do not read ' '. ' ' Me I love when less deserving, therefore he is when more preciso.' ' (Mrio Quintana) In the wall that of the access ' the kitchen, l_se ' ' He does not matter to know if people believe God, matter to know if God believes gente.' ' (Mrio Quintana) While we waited, the pupils return of the workshop of recycling of the UFV passes for the wait room.