The Round Table

Creativity in the table Round table organized by the editorship of the "Novaya Gazeta Kuban" in the "round table" was attended by writers Victor Bogdanov – a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, poet, novelist, essayist, author of? collections, Valery Kuznetsov, a member of the Union of Russian writers, satirist, author of five collections of short stories and novellas, a member of the First All-Russian Seminar-meeting of young writers, Basil sluggish, a member of the Union of Russian writers, the author of five collections of short stories and novellas, a member of the Second All-Russian Seminar-meeting of young writers. Winners of marginal literary competitions and Paul Eugene – poet, novelist, author of five collections, and Tatiana Shkodin – Poet, author of two poetry collections. Each of these authors was able to contribute to the development of the Kuban literature. It was at this meeting about modern Russian literature and the Kuban, on the problems the writer community. Valery Kuznetsov: Since the beginning of modern Russian history writer was the most that neither is extreme.

It can be said on the sidelines of life. And this is a writer! Since then, the literary work in our country, slated for course. With no brakes and no restrictions (do not consider notorious for censorship since developed socialism), it raced to God knows where, without the creative compass, and the exact route. The powers that be felt at all levels Professional Writers' Union of unnecessary and therefore unused. As a result, both the society and its "engineers of human souls" came to be a mess, both in the Union, and in government, supporting responsibility for national culture, and in particular for the domestic literature, designed to be not only a chronicler of the country, human lives, but time itself.