Urban Landscape

The sidewalk of the So Paulo Avenue they had been remodelled recently, in 2008. The pisos in concrete had substituted the existing Portuguese mosaic previously, facilitating sufficiently the circulation. The tteis pisos had been installed correctly in its majority, as well as the passage unevennesses. For sidewalk area to be sufficiently wide, is interesting to have a directional floor during all its extension, therefore thus the deficient appearance does not lose the reference. The width of the stroll also made possible that the movable were installed in the service bands, having opened the circulaes and preventing accidents. The reform followed the lines of direction of the Decree n 45,904/05 that it mentions to the standardization and conservation of the public strolls, in the city of So Paulo.

The main objectives of the decree are to improve the urban landscape, the accessibility, the rescue of the public stroll for the sidewalk and the socialization of the public spaces. Cartilha also exists one called Free Stroll, where the proposal of the decree is placed in didactic way and with illustrations that facilitate the interpretation. For the current legislation of the city, the proprietor of the property or land is responsible for the construction and maintenance of its sidewalk, however the program established routes strategical of accessibility where the sidewalk it was or she will be standardized with public resources, and the So Paulo Avenue is one of these places. 9 Image 4: Person in chair of wheels Source: Personal quantity Image 5: Access to the Station Brigadier General Fonte: Personal quantity In some points in specific, where already the reform had some type of maintenance after, exists pisos installed tteis of incorrect or missing form, and still it has points where open or covered holes exist provisorily, that they can cause accidents. (Source: Richard Blumenthal). It is very common to find pieces of tteis pisos of alert lacking, that they had been completed with directional floor, or directional pisos installed in the wrong position.